Finding and connecting with customers has never been easier.

Are you a cowork-friendly venue? (what is cowork-friendly?)
Join our Facebook Group and host cowork-friendly events at your venue to let coworkers know they are welcome.

Empty tables during the day? Join our facebook group and host cowork-friendly events at your venue during quiet times to entice lonely location-independent workers in.

Host Event

Host and share coworking events at your cafe or public place!

Host cowork events in your quiet times to let coworkers know they are welcome. Add an offer or discount to make it even more enticing (this is optional).

Step 1

Join our Facebook Group

Join our community of location-independent coworkers via our Facebook group (link below). Join as your cafe/business Facebook business page profile.

Step 2

Choose quiet times

Choose a regular time when you are generally most quiet if you like to plan ahead. Or when you are having a quiet time in your business, you can create an event and share in the group. Sharing an offer/discount might entice more people (however this is not required).

Step 3

Create Event in Group

Set up a cowork event in the “beanplaces Facebook group”, you could chuck in an offer (this is not required), choose your location, date, time/end time and then invite all group members (option to invite all).  

You must be a Facebook Group member to see the video

How to get more coworkers in your door?

Make your space more cowork-friendly

What is coworking? When a group gathers together to get work done in an inclusive and productive environment.

Access to Internet

Most Digital Nomads need a good internet connection to get work done. So does your venue offer free wifi or have good mobile data reception? If yes, then that is a plus for coworking.

Dietary options

These days everyone has some sort of food intolerance or preference, so making sure you have options for most is very muchly appreciated. It’s important to have this very clear on all of your menus, website and socials.

A bit of space

Coworkers are generally looking for a bit of space so they can have their laptop out for working. They don’t want to impose on other customers, so having tables large enough with space to move is a great bonus.

Access to power

Coworkers will generally have a laptop and a mobile phone, and we all know those batteries do not last very long. So if you have anywhere to charge these, that would be fantastic!